Educational department
Khimmatova Janatoy Kuchmuratovna
Department head
2004-2013 - Mathematics teacher of the 28th general education school
2013-2014 - Methodist of the "Educational-Methodical Department" of the Syrdarya Regional Pedagogical Personnel Retraining and Advanced Training Institute
2015-2021 -Senior teacher of the department of "Education of Natural and Exact Sciences"
2021-2022 - Tutor at Gulistan State University, Faculty of Philology
2022 - head of the educational process organization department of the National Center for the Training of Pedagogical Personnel in New Methods of the Syrdarya Region.
2013-2014 - Methodist of the "Educational-Methodical Department" of the Syrdarya Regional Pedagogical Personnel Retraining and Advanced Training Institute
2015-2021 -Senior teacher of the department of "Education of Natural and Exact Sciences"
2021-2022 - Tutor at Gulistan State University, Faculty of Philology
2022 - head of the educational process organization department of the National Center for the Training of Pedagogical Personnel in New Methods of the Syrdarya Region.
Toʻrabaev Orif Abdumajid oʻgʻli
Leading expert
2016-2020 yy. – Guliston davlat universiteti talabasi (MIGʻ, huquq ta'limi va MA)
2020-2023 yy. – Sardaba tumani 11-umumta'lim maktab oʻqituvchisi
2021-2023 yy. – Guliston davlat universiteti magistratura talabasi (Ijtimoiy-gumanitar fanlarni oʻqitish metodikasi)
2020-2023 yy. – Sardaba tumani 11-umumta'lim maktab oʻqituvchisi
2021-2023 yy. – Guliston davlat universiteti magistratura talabasi (Ijtimoiy-gumanitar fanlarni oʻqitish metodikasi)
Donabayeva Zebuniso Ma’rufjon qizi
Leading expert
2023 - leading specialist in the educational process organization department of the National Center for Training Teachers in New Methods of Syrdarya Region
Pardayeva Umida Botirjon qizi
2013-2019 - retraining of public education workers of Syrdarya region and their qualifications
Secretary of the "Vice Rector for Spiritual-Educational Affairs" of the Higher Education Institute
2020-2021 - working at the 13th general education school of Gulistan city
2021-2022 - secretary at "Dori-darmon LLC".
2022 y.h.v - Syrdarya region national educational center for training pedagogues in new methods stylist in the process organization department
2020-2021 - working at the 13th general education school of Gulistan city
2021-2022 - secretary at "Dori-darmon LLC".
2022 y.h.v - Syrdarya region national educational center for training pedagogues in new methods stylist in the process organization department
Obidov Shoxrux Mirzo Obid o’g’li
2022 Methodist in the Department of Organization of the Educational Process at the National Center for Training Teachers in New Methodologies of the Syrdarya Region